Strategic Writing

To compete and win in today’s globalized marketplace, companies must describe often complex solutions in language that is at once precise, compelling and easily understood. 

That’s why the best market communication goes well beyond the engineered attributes of a particular product or system.  Effective marcom blends creativity with strategic insight.  It interprets technical features to identify operational, economic and strategic business advantages. Great wordsmithing then leverages those benefits to transform interest into commitment … and to solidify commitment into sales. 

And that’s where I come in. 

As a freelance writer, I specialize in helping companies better understand and target key audiences.  Illuminate their intellectual capital.  Sharpen competitive selling points.  And deliver those core messages across a broad spectrum of print, electronic and web-based media.

I’ve spent 20-plus years doing precisely that for companies large and small, established and growing. 

When you’re ready to take your story to the world, give me a call.